Sunday, March 8, 2009

solid but not stellar

I have to admit that I'm somewhat hooked on reading other people's blogs as they do their Ironman training. Prior to getting into this somewhat voyeuristic activity, I might have thought that I put together an A+ week. Now thanks to the ability to peruse the net and see every entry that contains the letters IMCDA, I have to classify the week as...well.."ok".

I managed to get all the workouts in except one and even popped out a 50 mile ride yesterday with Kebby and Steph. Both of whom were riding strong, oh by the way! Followed that up with a one hour run and an open water swim today. Still, compared to the centuries on the bike and leagues (that's a nautical term for lots o distance..right?) that my friends in the blogosphere are hammering through, my "solid" week feels solidly weak. Still, I'm generally pleased with where I am at this point in the year. Oh...and about that open water swim. Wow... talk about cold! I've got to do more of them to get used to the shock of putting my face in an ice bucket.

On a really positive note, Kebby and Brit both competed in the Fiesta Island time trial today. And they both ROCKED! Kebby took first overall woman at 25mph and Brit got second in his age group at 24 mph. That kind of speed makes me glad I've moved up to the "Long Course" where I can claim that I'm riding slow because I'm still in "Base Building" mode!

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