Saturday, July 11, 2009

Hammer time or pillow time?

Had a strong week of training....I think. Kebby left on Saturday and I got in a three hour ride after dropping her off. Ran and lifted on Sunday. Followed the normal routine with a swim on Monday and Wednesday and a good bike session in the pain cave on Tuesday.

Steph joined me on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, so those sessions were particularly intense. Thanks to my many hours training with Kebby, I felt right at home as Steph swam away from me on Wednesday and dropped me on the hills Thursday. Nope. No concerns at all. I've seen this movie before. Start together and end together but that's about all the "together" you get out of the "training together" with those two. It's cool though to see how much Steph has improved over the last six months. She absolutely ripped the hills on the ride.

Now the reason I said it has been a good week of training "I think" has nothing to do with the intensity of frequency of workouts. Rather it has to do with a note from my new bff - Heather. I signed up again for the program for Hawaii last Friday. The first time I signed up, I received the password and my training plan almost immediately. This time it took a couple of days, so I sent a note saying that I needed the password and wanted to get training again.

I got the password but also received a very stern note from Heather saying that I shouldn't be working out at all for at least two weeks after IMCDA and shouldn't start training with any intensity again for three to four weeks! Wow. I'm sure she knows what she talking about but I think I feel fine. My question now, is do I really know how to read my body? How are you supposed to feel when you can train hard and when should you hold back? Obviously I don't know but my mission now is to figure it out.

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