Saturday, September 12, 2009

Noggin Design

Just finished an 18 mile run that was more uncomfortable than I'd have liked. I ran in the afternoon, so the temperature was warmer than usual, probably around 75. Consequently, I perspired like the proverbial pig. Tried to stay on top of my fluids by hitting the water fountains on a regular basis but I couldn't help but wonder if the hair on my head (which is getting a bit long) was hindering my cooling a bit.

Now I'm pondering a buzz cut. A lot of the pros keep their mop short and it even looks pretty good on a few of them. No one can argue that Crowie is a good looking guy and he's just got a bunch of stubble on top. My mission for the next couple of days is to (1) find out if short hair provides any meaningful cooling benefit and (2) discern the shape of the noggin. If the head is fairly uniform and round...who know, we may have a hair cutting party.

Trying to get motivated for a swim now and will be up early to hit Palomar with Steph and Brit tomorrow.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Tick Tock

So, the clock keeps ticking toward Kona. Roughly three more potential big weeks of training to go. Funny how clear things get this close in to a race. No dips in motivation, no questioning why I need to watch what I eat, stretching and rolling find their way into my day. Just wish it was possible to bottle that kind of enthusiasm and take sips during the winter when working out takes a back seat to bread pudding!

Decent workouts over the long weekend with a six hour ride on Saturday and a 15 mile run on Sunday. Monday was recovery with just a quick weight room session.

Rode with Steph on Saturday for almost four and a half of the six hours. She's just a week off her 10 hr 40 minute finish in Louisville and seems to almost completely recovered. Kebby's coming along as well but I still catch a peek of her going down stairs sideways from time to time.

Thinking about trying to pull a group together for a ride in Borrego Springs at the end of the month. Conditions there should be very similar to Hawaii and Arizona for folks doing IMAZ. Will check out vrbo houses and see what I find.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Long time no post

A little slow on the posting recently. No real excuses. Training has been going well and I'm still relatively uninjured. Still marveling at the results that Kebby and Steph put up in Louisville. Both went under 11 hours and Kebby managed to grab a slot to Kona.

It goes to show you what a good couple of months can do for a person. At Oceanside, Kebby was coming off of knee surgery and Steph was doing her second half. Now just a couple of months later, they're both in a different league!

Plan tomorrow calls for five hours on the bike. I bought a red bull to help me get up and make it an early start!