Sunday, April 17, 2011


Somewhat decent week of training. Managed to get workouts in six of the seven days and increased the distance on my long run and ride. Speaking of rides, had a lot of fun yesterday on the bike. Headed out early for a 70 miler that started off a little cold. Around 8:00 a.m. the sun began to climb and a beautiful day started to shape up. Seemed like everyone I saw either waved or said hello.

I've got a planned stop at a gas station that is about 20 miles out. When I pulled in, I saw a guy pulling his bike out of his truck. He waved as I pulled in and bought some water. When I was coming out of the gas station door, he asked if I had some sunscreen. Unfortunately, I didn't and we talked about how sunny a day it was going to be. Just then, a woman walked over from the gas pumps and gave us a tube. She said she was a cyclist too and knew what it was like to ride in the sun. That was so freakin nice! And that was the theme for 90% of the rest of the ride. Smiles and waves all around.

One notable exception happened when I was almost home. I turned onto a somewhat deserted section of road and saw a cyclist ahead of me by about a quarter of a mile. I was slowly catching him even though it wasn't intentional. He looked back and saw me and picked up the pace. I wasn't racing him and I'm not that fast anyway. Even if I was...who really cares? In any event, he kept looking back and for the next mile or so. Then a light turned red and he had to stop. As expected, he had to look back one more time to see how much he had "beaten" me by. But...oh...guess who forgot to unclip??? Yep! Bam! Face plant from a standstill!! He quickly picked himself up and made point not to look my way. I know it's not polite to laugh at other people's misfortunes but wow...was that Karma or what?

1 comment:

Scott said... definitely needed to LAUGH your ass off at that!!! Awesome!!