Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The Catch

Well...it had to happen sooner or later. I actually had a decent day today. Got up and hit the gym in the morning for lifting session and managed to eat clean all day. Finished up with a swim lesson from Sergio.While I won't say that I've technically started training (that way I can't technically "miss" any workouts), I will say that this was a good start to my "not training".

Sergio had plenty to say about my swim stroke though. By the way what is a "catch".

And why don't I have one?

Monday, September 29, 2008

Off Day

No training today. Thought about getting up and going to the gym for a weight lifting session when the alarm went off this morning. Thought about solving the financial crisis too. Hmm...perfect score.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

The Plan

Went to the Y this morning for a swim.  Since I'm not "officially" starting my training until November, I didn't have a "plan" for the swim.  Consequently, when that little voice in my head (aka the "excuse monster") starting talking about how nice it would be to grab a cup of coffee, I didn't need a lot of convincing.  Hopped out of the pool after a measly 500 meters and went to Pete's.

Now, I do have to give the monster credit, the coffee and the Odwalla pumpkin protein drink I had were both damn good but now I'm feeling a bit guilty for cutting the workout short. But wait a minute, since I didn't have a plan, could I have really cut anything short??? 

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Hill Repeats on Point Loma

Good training with Brit and Steph this morning. Rolled out of the garage at 9:00 and rode up to the tidepool hill on point loma. We did five repeats of the .8 mile climb that has an 8% to 9% grade. I was trying to do the equivalent of negative splits where each repeat was faster (and harder) than the last. Based on my heartrate monitor, number four was a bit harder than number five but all in all, I managed to stay pretty much on plan.

The last climb was particularly fun as Brit and I raced to the top and he zipped past me at the last second to take the flag. Steph was a machine too and she even suggested that we do repeat number six. Fortunately, we were able to talk her out of it and she settled for a transition run with her dog when we got home.

After the two hours of riding, my legs were pretty much toast. Good thing as I suspect, I'll need the strength in CDA.

Now if I can just stay away from the wine and deserts for a few more hours, I'll delcare victory for the day.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Mental aspects of training

Well, I did manage to make it to the gym this morning for a 45 minute workout. If anyone has any tips for getting through the first 15 minutes after the alarm goes off, please let me know (I'll pay good money). Once I had made it to the gym, I felt decent. No doubt about it, the hardest part of any workout is the first ten steps to the door.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Ironman Coeur d' alene 2009

Long delay in making any updates. Had almost forgotten about the blog until my friend Scott mentioned that he's starting a blog of his own. We're both signed up for Ironman CDA and blogging seems like a good way to stay accountable on the training.

To get the ball rolling, I just came back from drinking wine with my neighbors and we said that we'd do five repeats up the tide pool hill on point loma this weekend. Let's see if that really happens.

On another note, I saw where my "can't miss" bet on wamu stock actually...uhm...well...missed. Looks like the bank has failed. Great. Let me see if there's anything left in the bottle of wine.

Look for more updates in the future.