Saturday, September 27, 2008

Hill Repeats on Point Loma

Good training with Brit and Steph this morning. Rolled out of the garage at 9:00 and rode up to the tidepool hill on point loma. We did five repeats of the .8 mile climb that has an 8% to 9% grade. I was trying to do the equivalent of negative splits where each repeat was faster (and harder) than the last. Based on my heartrate monitor, number four was a bit harder than number five but all in all, I managed to stay pretty much on plan.

The last climb was particularly fun as Brit and I raced to the top and he zipped past me at the last second to take the flag. Steph was a machine too and she even suggested that we do repeat number six. Fortunately, we were able to talk her out of it and she settled for a transition run with her dog when we got home.

After the two hours of riding, my legs were pretty much toast. Good thing as I suspect, I'll need the strength in CDA.

Now if I can just stay away from the wine and deserts for a few more hours, I'll delcare victory for the day.

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