Sunday, October 26, 2008

Santa Barbara

Great weekend of training with Kebby, Brit and Stephanie. Went up to Santa Barbara on Friday and got in two rides, one run and about five bottles of wine.  Hey!  They were red...that counts as antioxidant supplementation....right?

We got up Saturday morning and drove to wine country and did a ride called the Sideways wine tour ride.  Went past several of the landmarks in the movie and got in some good solid climbing.  The road was long with a wide shoulder so I was able to drop into the aero position  for long stretches.  No doubt about it, the shoulders and neck are not ready for Ironman Coeur d' Alene by a long shot.  The legs felt good though and we got in 40 miles of rolling hills.

Sunday was going to be a recovery ride but I should have checked the map.  The second road we turned on was called mountain road.  And in California, they generally know their mountains.  We spent the first half hour of the 15 mile ride climbing hard. Brit and Kebby took off like banshees and I didn't see them until they stopped at turns to wait  The road then flattened and we were granted an incredible view of the ocean as we road the top part of the ride.  The last half was almost all down hill and was a great way to end.  Followed up with a two mile transition run with 8:35's per mile.

Unfortunately, the knees are a bit sore, so I'll probably have to ice and take a few days off.

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