Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Driver's Ed.

Couldn't sleep last night. Lot of stuff on my mind. Nothing major but among other things, I had to get my CA driver's liscense. I passed but the test was harder than my GMAT.

For instance, As a non-smoker, I'm not too up to speed on the in-car smoking laws. And I didn't see a single question about smoking on the practice test. So one of my missed questions was about smoking with children in the car. Can't do it. Good! But how was I supposed to know? Also didn't know the DUI blood alcohol content level. Turns out it is .08. I guessed .05. Oh...and did you know that a DUI will net you six months in the pokey? Anyway, three hours, one eye test, one written test and $28 later, I'm legal. Yeah! Let's go get a drink!!!

As for workouts, I got a small brick in on Tuesday. 30 minute bike with a 20 minute run. Also got a very sad short swim in this morning.

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