Sunday, June 7, 2009

I guess that's a wrap

Finished my last hard weekend of training. We put in a seven hour ride in palm springs that had a little bit of everything on Saturday. I guess I should have anticipated wind when the route headed for an f'ing wind farm. I'm talking full blown fields of those giant white turbines. About 45 minutes into the ride we left town and headed north. The wind began picking up until it was (no kidding) about 35 miles per hour. When it was to our side we crept along waiting to get blown over (even had to walk our bikes over bridges out of fear of getting pitched over the side) then when we turned into it, we had moments where we were descending a 5% grade at less than eight miles per hour. Wild! The strangest part though was when we finally turned south and had the wind at our backs. For a period of time I was going about 35 miles per hour and it was absolutely still. I guess we were moving at the same speed as the wind and consequently, there was almost no sound whatsoever. Eventually we got out into the desert and the ride turned somewhat normal.

This morning, I got up and did a 14 mile run to close the book on my IMCDA training. While I feel fairly good, I do wish I had done more long swims during my training. And more long rides too. With more hills. Oh...and I wish I'd done a couple of big bricks. Probably should have thrown in a couple more long runs.

Oh well, nothing to do now but put in a quality taper and see what race day deals me.

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