Saturday, December 27, 2008

Holiday Pounds

Well, we made it through the best of the holidays from a fun and food perspective and the worst from a workout point of view. Managed to get in a couple of short swims and a short run while we were in Atlanta but didn't get anything major accomplished. Probably just slowed the rate of loss. Too much sugar, stuffing and white bread.

On a positive note, our flights were more or less on time and uneventful. Interesting that we absolutely expect something to go wrong whenever we fly. I guess the airlines do a great job of setting a low bar. Where else would you be absolutely stunned if you actually received what you paid for. Imagine going to the wine store and buying a bottle of cab all the while expecting that when you open it you'll probably get a merlot or milk or water or nothing at all. Oh well. Good for them for getting us to lower our expectations.

Had a great time though. Will try hard to pick up the momentum from Kona again starting tomorrow.

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